
Facts and figures about

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Figures, data, facts


  • Founded in 1995 by Burkhard Noltensmeier
  • Company headquarters: Bielefeld & second location Cologne
  • 25 employees
  • Core business: Cubernetes, cloud solutions, hosting and training
  • Datacenter Locations in Germany
  • Additional brands teutoStack and oko webhoster greensta.
  • Further information about the company


teutoStack – a  brand of

  • teutoStack ist the Public Cloud product of
  • The first teutoStack cloud based on OpenStack went live in 2014
  • Here you find additional information of teutoStack

greensta – a brand of

  • greensta was founded in 2008 and taken over by in 2010
  • Climate-friendly & environmentally conscious web hosting
  • 100% green electricity from Greenpeace Energy eG
  • Awarded with the label “Atomfreier Server”.
  • Member of the Association of Sustainable Companies das selbe in grün e.V.
  • More about greensta

Company profile Netzdienste GmbH was founded in 1994 by Burkhard Noltensmeier and has been offering business customers professional IT services for over 25 years. supports national and international companies in the realization of IT projects – from the initial idea to the realization and management of complex hosting solutions.

In addition to server hosting, server housing and operations, the company primarily offers kubernetes and cloud services in data centers in Germany. has been operating its own open source cloud solution called teutoStack since 2014. is a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider and a member of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) and the OpenStack Foundation. attaches great importance to sustainability and purchase electricity exclusively from Greenpeace-Energy for the office and the data center at the office location since 2007.

The company has 25 employees. The headquarter is in Bielefeld and an additional office in Cologne.


teutoStack – a brand of

teutoStack is the name of the public cloud product from The first teutoStack cloud went live in 2014 and has been continuously developed since then.

teutoStack is based on the Open Source technology OpenStack. teutoStack’s Public Cloud provides customers with access quotas for virtual resources.

The product includes a dashboard that enables the customer to manage and control volumes, instances and networks himself.


greensta – a brand of

greensta was taken over by in 2010. All hosting offers and servers at greensta are operated exclusively with 100% green electricity from Greenpeace Energy eG.

greensta therefore is an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient webhoster. greensta renounce profit maximisation in order to support the trend reversal and offers its customers technical know-how, with the ecological plus, at fair prices.

greensta’s principle is ot orient itself to the strictest ecological criteria and to continuously improve greensta. This also includes a well thought-out concept that does not stop with the use of green electricity. Even within the company there is ecological commitment.




Burkhard Noltensmeier is the founder and CEO of Netzdienste GmbH.

1994 he founded Netzdienste GmbH in Bielefeld. Burkhard is an avowed Linux evangelist. His focus is on new technologies and innovations based on Openstack and Kubernetes.

Sustainability and environmental awareness characterize his actions and he is a recognized speaker at industry events such as conferences, meetups, etc.




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Your contact person for corporate communications

Irmela Noltensmeier
E- Mail: [email protected] Netzdienste GmbH
Neue Weyerstrasse 2
50676 Köln